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Skin of Skunk Anansie
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An entrepreneur with a social conscience

Stafford Masie, CEO of tech company Thumbzup, is the inventor of the Payment Pebble and Payment Blade - two technologies that have disrupted the financial services sector, enabling financial inclusion for thousands of small businesses that were previously left out in the cold.

Book about the history of business in Africa long overdue

Professor Grietjie Verhoef’s recently published book The History of Business in Africa: Complex Discontinuity to Emerging Markets fills a gaping hole in the literature on the business history of the continent.


#Business Education

Up-and-coming artists imbue Henley Africa courtyard with African cultural identity

The Coloured Cube in partnership with Henley Business School Africa commissioned 13 up-and-coming artists to paint the 26 pillars in the Henley Africa Courtyard, bringing their own interpretation
of African cultural identity to the business school.

Accounting Accountability - Is the accounting profession experiencing a crisis of credibility?

Current events locally and internationally are demanding higher levels of accountability in the accounting and auditing professions. Unethical accounting and auditing practices in South Africa have reverberated globally, with the reputations of large accounting and auditing firms severely damaged by their links to public service corruption and financial misrepresentation by large multinational companies like Steinhoff.

Protecting & growing your wealth

This feature explores wealth creation and the protection of high net-worth individuals assets. With so many products both locally and internationally, how does one know what to invest in.

#Green Economy
James Cumming, GM of African Clean Energy Developments (ACED), talks about the changing renewable energy market, deregulation, private sector investment, solving the power crisis in South Africa, and the massive challenge of insufficient grid capacity.


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